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Yelp!: Top Restaurants in Huntley

Check out the top 10 rated restaurants in Huntley based on Yelp! reviews.

Websites like Yelp! have empowered the everyday eater to become their local neighborhood's food critic, praising and damning behind the anonymity of a computer screen.

Ever wondered if a restaurant is good or bad? can be a good indicator of whether that restaurant is worth your time and money. 

Based on Yelp!'s highest-rated star ranking, here are the top 10 restaurants in Algonquin:  

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  1. Huntley Dairy Mart
  2. Papa G's
  3. Huntleys Taco Locos
  4. Jamesons Steakhouse
  5. Cinnamonster

Do you agree or disagree with the Yelp! top 10 list? Let us know in the comments' section. 

Amie Schaenzer contributed to this article. 

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